Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Just an Update

So I haven't posted for a little while but not too much is new. I still have that sick rash on my body that itches like CRAZY!! I go to the Dermatologist tomorrow to get impetigo out of my system once and for all. So, this Monday John and I went to the Jimmy Eat World concert and it was really fun. I was super tired before we got there but once we got in I had a lot fun. My favorite was one of the opening bands Paramore. Paramore was surprisingly better than Jimmy (sorry John Jimmy eat world was okay). So, now I am really sad that I bought a Jimmy Eat World T-Shirt instead of a Paramore shirt. Oh well I guess I will get one the next time they come. But I am soo excited that next year around this time John will be graduating! It will be so exciting to be even closer to being done with school and me not having to work :) ( John wants to be a PA so thats an additional 2 years which won't be that bad at all).

1 comment:

Brooke H. said...

hahaha i got a paramore t-shirt!!!!!